Monday, 7 May 2012

Snow White & The Huntsman Trailer

It's that time of year again when the summer blockbusters are competing for our attention and one film that I will definitely be taking in is the re-imagining of classic fairytale, Snow White. The first film I saw in a cinema, my mother took me to see the original Disney Snow White film when I was four and I have been entranced and enchanted ever since.

Not one for the kids, this no-holds-barred re-telling looks to be much more fast-paced and action-packed, without losing the magic and essence of the plot with which we are all so familiar. Of course the fact that Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron look like perfection in their respective roles as Snow White and The Evil Queen is no small selling point. I am really looking forward to seeing the rest of their costumes - never has a suit of armour looked so chic. Check out the trailer below..

As Hollywood tends to do these days another rival Snow White movie was also released this year, but as much as I love/envy/obsess over Lily Collins' eyebrows they couldn't make the silly, more child-friendly option, 'Mirror Mirror' a critical success. Who do you think makes the better Snow White, Kristen or Lily?

I did like this one Spring/Summer '12 Giles-esque white swan look that Lily wore in Mirror Mirror.

Giles SS12

Kristen is rocking some great hair both in the trailer and in the above promo shot.

More soon.

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