How good is Vogue? Just when you thought it couldn't get any better they start a new online feature that sees each month's cover girl keep a style diary. First up was Alexa Chung (one of my personal faves) who posted a photo of her outfit accompanied by a short explanation each day throughout the month. This month sees top model and all around goddess, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley show us her sartorial skills. Vogue always gets it right.
I've never really been one to have problem skin but lately my face has been really dry and blotchy, not ideal. For Christmas I was given a body lotion version of my perfume of choice, Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel, so after exhausting a multitude of other quick-fixes I decided to give it a go. I slather my face in it every night right before I go to sleep and I absolutely swear by it, my skin has never been so smooth and blemish-free. And my face smells like Chanel. :)

I'm a huge fan of the ITV2 show, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, so when I was walking past my local Waterstones recently and saw this in the window I felt like I should read what the real Belle had to say for herself. Mirroring the Truman Capote classic, Breakfast at Tiffany's, the screen version paints a much more glamourous picture than the book. The book gets into the really gritty stuff and doesn't gimmick it up or try to make her work seem humourous and fun. It also focuses a lot more on her own personal lovelife. If you like an author who can talk graphically about sex and her relationship with her mother on the same page then this is the book for you. Easy to read, but admittedly not exactly high brow.

I also can't get enough of Marina and the Diamonds lately; love her songs, love her style. Her latest single, Hollywood does not disappoint, especially when it comes to this fantastic video! Love the cute line about being mistaken for Catherine Zeta too, I can definitely see that.
I was so inspired that I gave myself a similar stars and stripes manicure. (I'm becoming increasingly obsessed with nail art. There's just so much you can do with it, and it just really completes a look and makes it seem like you've made so much more effort.)
Also check out this girl so you can tell all your friends you liked her before it was cool: She's not even graduated from the Brit school yet and already big things are happening. Watch this space.
Right now I'm looking forward to seeing all the red carpet fashion at the Oscars this coming Sunday, be sure to check back for a best (and worst) dressed list as well as a rundown of the winners! More soon.
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